Hong Kong stocks rose on Wednesday morning, after the Dow Jones Industrial Average posted eight consecutive record close on Tuesday night, the longest winning streak in eight months.
PT EQUITYWORLD: US stocks closed at a record high in late trading on Wednesday morning (22/02) supported the increase in crude oil and government policies Trump.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 118.95 points, or 0.58 percent. The S & P 500 rose 14.22 points, or 0.6 percent, to finish at 2,365.38. The Nasdaq index rose 23.37 points, or 0.47 percent, to close at 5,865.95.
Annual report released earnings results on Tuesday for Hong Kong property developer Hysan Development, competition from New World Development, Sino Land, the Chinese brand Anta sports shoes, clothing retailer Esprit Holdings, Bossini International.
Shares of New World Development jumped 3 percent to HK $ 9.72, Sino Land Company rose 0.8 percent to HK $ 12.76, and Hysan Development gained 0.3 percent to HK $ 35.1.
Anta shares rose 2.3 percent to HK $ 24.65, Esprit rose 1.3 percent to HK $ 6.36, and Bossini flat at 48 cents Hong Kong.
PT EQUITYWORLD: While the Hang Seng index futures tracked rose 184.00 points, or 0.77 percent, at 24,086.00, up from the previous closing at 23,902.00.
PT Equityworld Futures Surabaya: PT EQUITYWORLD estimate the Hang Seng Index may ri...: PT EQUITYWORLD estimate the Hang Seng Index may rise to the strengthening of Wall Street. The index is expected to move in the range of 23....
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